How do I prepare for my No Needle No Scalpel Vasectomy?
There is very little preparation for your procedure, but it is important to follow these instructions:
Scrotal support is very important for a smooth recovery, so Dr Snyder will provide you with a scrotal support (jock strap) at your appointment, this provides very important support not only for comfort, but for the healing process to get off to a good start. It also allows gauze from the procedure to stay in place during the initial day or two. Wear whatever clothes are comfortable to you and appropriate for the season.
Please do not take aspirin for 5 days prior to your vasectomy. You may resume taking it the day after.
On the day prior to the vasectomy, please shave any hair from the front of the scrotum. It is best to trim with scissors carefully first, then shave. You do not need to shave all your hair “down there”, just whatever is on the under side of your lower penis and on down along the front of your scrotum.
It is a good idea to have a light meal an hour or two before your appointment. Having someone drive you to and from the appointment is best, but many guys drive themselves and do just fine. Rarely a man may become light headed on the drive home, especially if he has a history of getting light headed with medical situations. If you do choose to drive yourself, you are responsible if an accident occurs, so getting a driver is best.
Please refer to full instructions under “forms” on this site for more information for pre and post vasectomy instructions.