Want to Learn No Needle No Scalpel Vasectomy?

If you would like to add vasectomy to your clinical skills, and would like to provide safe, effective minimally invasive vasectomy for your patients, I can train you in No Needle No Scalpel Vasectomy.

It helps if you have a surgical background, but that is not essential. Family Medicine and OB/Gyn providers who are on the front lines of providing birth control options to their patients are great candidates.

If you are interested in growing your income and expanding your procedural skills, consider reaching out to me for details on how I can teach you this important procedure in my clean and efficient office. 

Teaching a vasectomist takes more time than the typical procedure because the “learning curve” is rather steep. Also in order to entice patients to have their work done by a provider who is learning, my usual fee is significantly reduced for those patients. Because of this, you would have to be willing to pay me a reasonable per diem stipend in order to get trained.

Please reach out to me via the form on the Contact Us page, and we can initiate a dialogue about your possible training experience.


Sincerely, Dr. Don Snyder.

“Make a vast difference to someone’s Vas Deferens!”