As a No Stork, LLC patient, you will be able to check your semen for a small fee through No Stork and Verify Vas whenever you want!
PVSA stands for Post Vasectomy Semen Analysis and the initial testing is included in the price when you have your vasectomy at No Stork, LLC.
Generally this offer is for patients who have been cleared at least 6 months ago. DO NOT USE THIS LINK IF YOU RECENTLY HAD A VASECTOMY AND ARE WAITING FOR A KIT OR RESULTS!! (If you have questions about testing after a recent vasectomy with Dr. Snyder, please text Dr. Snyder directly)
Once the semen has been cleared of sperm and the patient is relying on their vasectomy, many patients inquire about repeat testing from time to time. There are no official guidelines or protocols for repeat testing as the years go by, and no matter how many times a man is tested, his odds of causing a pregnancy are one man out of two thousand. Odds you can comfortably live with!
Some men like the peace of mind of “checking in” on their semen, even if it has been years since getting the “All Clear”, but there is no established time for doing so.
If you had your vasectomy at No Stork, LLC at any time in the past, and you would like to get tested again, you may now pay $49 to do so. This service is only available to No Stork patients and is available through Verify Vas, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of No Stork, LLC.
If you want to be retested as a No Stork, LLC patient, have your Credit Card ready and follow this link:
“Better Safe Than Sorry!”